Document Type : Original Article


1 Tehran university

2 Tehran University

3 Assistant Professor Iran University of Science and Technology


The main purpose of this article is to examine the periodic coupled orbit-attitude of a satellite at restricted three body problem considering both primaries oblateness perturbations. The proposed model was based on a simplified coupled model meaning that the time evolution of the orbital state variables was not a function of the attitude state variables. Since, the problem has no closed-formed solution, and the numerical methods must be used, so the problem can have different periodic or non-periodic responses to the initial conditions. The initial guess vector of the coupled model’s states was introduced to achieve the optimal initial conditions leading to the periodic responses, and then the P-CR3BP coupled orbit-attitude correction algorithm was proposed to correct this initial guess. Since, the number of periodic solutions is restricted; the suitable initial guess vector as the inputs of the coupled orbit-attitude correction algorithm increases the chances of achieving more accurate initial conditions. The initial guess of orbital states close to the initial conditions of the P-CR3BP periodic orbit, along with initial guess vector of attitude dynamics states with Poincaré mapping was suggested as the suitable initial guess vector of the coupled model.


Main Subjects